Mars Logistics, one of the leading companies in the logistics sector, Ethics Center Association (EDM) awarded by the ethical values of the company that was awarded the prize in 2018 ETİKA Turkey Ethics Award.
In order to increase the reputation and sensitivity of the companies in the society, Ethical Values Center Association organized the seventh edition of the organization on behalf of Mars Logistics, Özgür Dondurmacı, Internal Audit, Risk Management and Compliance Director. Mars Logistics, which draws attention with its institutionalization policy and ethical culture since its establishment in 1989, attaches great importance to the adoption of ethical values and the creation and development of ethical culture in all group companies. In this respect, Mars Logistics, which first published the “Ethical Values Guide’ in 2007 and published it within the company, continues to carry out effective activities by applying ethical principles and rules within the framework of a certain sense of responsibility in order to ensure the development of the system it creates. Mars Logistics aims to reflect the company's ethical culture understanding on all platforms with its behavioral identity that is put in the focus of more than 1400 employees.
ETİKA 2018 Turkey admitted to the Ethics Awards and Ethics / Ethical Culture, Reputation Management, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Leadership / Creativity / Leadership and Compliance Management prepared in six categories, including 112 questions in answering companies, it should be done according to international ethical standards 20 companies that have fulfilled more than 70 percent of ethical practices were awarded.